Vote No On 2 Campaign's Fan Box

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

133 Volunteers So Far: Here's to a Strong Finish

Many of our 200+ dedicated volunteers were up and out at 6AM this morning to educate voters across the state about the harm Amendment 2 will cause if passed on Nov. 4th.

We're now in the last hours of our Primary Day of Action and 133 people have joined us at the polls so far. 52 people across the state endured the Florida mid-day sun for our 11am-2pm shift to warn Florida's voters about the dangers of Amendment 2. Of those 52, 19 had already joined us for the morning shift. Many of who are coming back for more for our third and final shift.

Who are these people? They're people like you who for many reasons understand the urgency to share the truth with as many voters as possible.

People like Tof and his wife Nicole in Gainesville who understand that Amendment 2 does nothing to protect their marriage, but threatens to take away health insurance and other benefits from their closest friend- a bus driver in Gainesville.

Or Kathyrn in Orlando who, as a lesbian woman, knows that it is imperative that members from all communities lead by example in sharing our message to Vote No On 2. As she said, "Simply put, if we don't do it, who will?"

Thanks to the hard work of people like Tof, Nicole, and Kathryn we're getting the word out that Amendment 2, the deceptively named "marriage protection" amendment, doesn't protect anyone's marriage but it will take away health insurance and family benefits from all unmarried couples - gay and straight.

We know that not everyone can take a day away from work. But you can still help! Today's action and our path to victory is paved through the support of people who share their treasures and talent in addition to their time.

Click here to sponsor a volunteer on Primary Day for just $18.71!