Now, let's all be honest... how much do you know about your mother/father that lives out of state? Do you know how often they see their doctor?
Do you know what medications they take? Do you know if their diabetes is under control?
Most likely, you don't know the answers to those questions. It's because you live far away, and you have your own obligations and responsibilities in your own home. Your kids, your work, your spouse... the list goes on and on.
These life partners- whether gay, straight, old or young know all the answers to those questions. They know their partners, because... they are emotionally married and emotionally committed. What gives government the right to judge WHO should be ALLOWED to be considered "married". Since when does a piece of paper symbolize MORE than years and years and years of togetherness can symbolize?
I'm deeply saddened by the conservatives who preach about "less government"... but then want to micromanage my home and the homes of millions of Floridians.
Paulina Testerman
Sarasota, FL
I'm speechless... and in tears... This letter alone should be enough to convince people how important this matter is.
The matter is what is written in the law, marriage is a relationship between two persons and it is not new what the guidelines are, whether we like it or not. We live in the greatest democracy on the world but not an anarchy.
I will vote yes to number two because I believe in our system and I will urge everyone who believe in our established authorities and system to vote yes too.
If there is a doubt and before some people start to criticize I am not conservative nor republican.
Moises FG
Fort Lauderdale, Fl
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